Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Snow of the Winter

 We finally had the first snow of the season today on December the 20th, 2012.  We haven't had much in the way of precipitation this year so every little bit is celebrated.  The kids watched the news last night and knew there was a big chance of it so as you can imagine they were up bright and early sneaking a peek out of their windows.  They wanted to go outside before breakfast while there were 45 mph gusts...that's where I stepped in tried to postpone our outdoor fun.  We made it to 10am.  Then I released the beasts including the chocolate one first pictured.  Afterall, her breed does originate in the north, so she loves this cold wet weather.  Clare didn't last as long as Hayden and watched him through the window at times (ones that he would throw the snow at.)  Admittedly, it was not my style of snow playing today with the wind.  But I'll give it to him.  He was really excited and played outside for an hour in that wind with his dumptruck and bulldozer.  Afterwards, I started the fire and cuddled them up in their little chairs with a blanket and books.  I call it successful for our first snow but here's looking forward to some more.

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