Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Snowy last day to 2012

 We had a snowy New Year's Eve and got to break out the snow gear that Santa brought us.  The sleds were a hit though Daddy was the engine behind him as you'll see in the pictures.  It was the best snow man snow I've ever seen in my life.  It was a gentle wet snow that kept falling for quite awhile after we had our fun outside.  It was so good that Daddy got a little over zealous and made a mommy and a daddy snow man as the kids called it.  He probably would have completed the family if it hadn't been lunch time.

He poses like a future snowboarder

Faster Daddy, faster!

Home sweet home


Working diligently on Snowman #1

Trying to master the snow angel

Tasting snow!

Ready for lunch mom!

The workers and their finished product

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